Best of #econtwitter - Week of September 1, 2024: interesting tweets
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of the Best of Econtwitter newsletter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
^hilarious + see also a related discussion at the top of last week’s newsletter
^it is literally “OLS for macroeconomists”, I kid you not. Funniest thing macroeconomists have given a name to since the Taylor rule
^Wiebe reports the comment is R&R at AER. Some interesting further discussion here and
^stubbornly attached
^the past few months in the US must be a pretty significant rejection of the vibes theory, no?
^diversification good, liquid capital markets FTW, let’s pump those numbers down
^from a longer thread on a new report
Public goods
^“I never eat lunch out”