Best of #econtwitter - Week of September 24, 2023: interesting tweets
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
^unfortunately I think you need an account to view Bluesky tweets, for now
^probably crossing a line by interjecting my opinion here, but why isn’t it simply: APs, grad students, and even (gasp) undergrads are adults (better yet: they’re humans!); “punching” anyone is bad; and anyone should be able to receive constructive criticism
Public goods
^on this topic, a lot of discussion this week thanks to Melissa Kearney’s new book. A lot of bad discussion, no good links, let me know if I missed anything, here’s her Atlantic summary. Maybe here’s a summary:
^are these two complements or substitutes? implications for policy in a second-best world?
^not gonna be a regular feature, but…