Best of #econtwitter - Week of September 4, 2022 [2/3]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part two of three.
Public goods
It's that time of the year where new PhD students have to figure out how to do research. Luckily, the profession has put together a lot of resources to help us all become better researchers, and you can find my collected list of resources here:
I started putting together a list of places where grad students in education might want to look for free, publicly-available data to work with.…
It focuses mostly on education-related data. But any/all suggestions you might have for additions are welcome.
There is always some slack in the economy. Sometimes there is far too much of it (Great Recession) and sometimes too little (pandemic).
I am teaching a PhD course on the topic in the fall. Lecture videos & notes & readings will be publicly available:
Need help pronouncing Chinese student names in your class? The amazing @xiwen_lu has created a tool where you can look up any name and hear the most common pronunciation!…
Did you miss the European Job Market Info Session at #EEAESEM22 or do you want to have another look at the materials? You can now download the slides from…, a public good with lots of advice assembled by @cp_roth and myself. @EEANews
A reminder to #EconTwitter job market candidates: I have posted examples of my 2020-2021 materials (CV, cover letters, statements, etc.) on my GitHub (…).
Interesting discussions
Referees might support a paper if it is (i) not so innovative but very careful and highly likely to be correct; or (ii) highly innovative but not necessarily correct.
This is well and good, but it's very weird that journal readers don't get any signal which of these it is.
The website launched one year ago yesterday! To celebrate, here are 10 thoughts on the extremely niche topic of writing a good living literature review intended to be read by non-specialists.
Announcement and invitation! A new project that aims to improve the quality of research in applied microeconomics by examining researcher choices. I am hoping to recruit up to *200 researchers* of all kinds (with pay) and hope you will join me! (Thread)
Every academic knows that the BEST software for citation and reference management is Zotero.
BUT many folks don't know how to take notes and annotate PDFs in Zotero.
Here's how to get started 👇
Zotero Annotations 101: A step-by-step guide with visuals 🧵
Worth remembering the vicious abuse that @ProfEmilyOster & others who made this argument were subjected to.
Then think about other debates like that.
You're not hearing from a lot of people on some topics because they don't want to deal with it.
The result is worse outcomes.
The New York Times @nytimes