Best of #econtwitter - Week of September 10, 2023: interesting tweets
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
The start of the school year brings out some spiciness or something…
^“there is one social science and we all are its practitioners” to paraphrase the [apocryphal?] Stigler quote? (…maybe)
Math wars, once more unto the breach
A recurring debate reoccurs:
^generated a lot of discussion (especially because of the choice of wording)
More from Shengwu Li:
And on history of thought:
Questionable section
^🧐; “Maybe true of many such changes”, cf Levitt (2021)
^is this accurate?
^🧐; mops and geeks, sort of; “Usually people who want to change the world are also weirdos”…
Public goods
Journal system incentives
^this thread sounds wild, and no doubt there are biases in the publication process and especially in …specific literatures and specific journals…, but — with more detail it doesn’t seem quite as wild
^lots of composition effects here (etc), but in particular I wonder about controlling for aging / generational shifts
^tbh didn’t find the presented arguments compelling, seems like WWII to me