Best of #econtwitter - Week of October 16, 2022 [1/4]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part one of four.
Paper summaries

Pretty striking difference in the distribution of z-scores for control variables vs. key treatment effects in top econ journals…

Dear #EconTwitter, would you like to have a #discussant at the @nberpubs summer institutes or not?
Our new study in #ResearchPolicy suggest a Yes:
"papers that have a discussant are published in highly-ranked journals and are more likely to be published in a top journal."

A pretty wild finding!
For Nobel Prize-winning economists, there seems to be a massive difference in the age at which they do their most important research depending on the _type_ of work that it is.
Conceptual research skews young while experimental work skews middle-to-old.

^Weinberg and Galenson (2005)

New working paper! We examine the adoption of a dynamic pricing algorithm and high-frequency data to address two questions: (1) How do consumers respond to dynamic pricing? and (2) What is the potential for dynamic pricing to reduce costs?…

“Breaking up companies is impossible and terrible. It kills innovation!”
It really does? Fascinating new paper by Felix Poege @f_poeg.
Looks at the break up of IG Farben in post-war Germany. 1/

Cartels cause lots of harm to consumer welfare - think of the vitamin cartels, the truck cartel, the concrete cartel - but how do we study and examine cartels? My new WP investigates all pubs on collusion from the past 20ys and elicits important changes⬇️

Andrew Oswald’s and my recent PNAS paper received quite some attention - both positive and negative. The paper gives evidence of a close to linear association between survey data on satisfaction and later actions. A short meta-🧶. (1/8)…

Lots of interesting papers coming out about effects of childcare on range of outcomes in developing countries, so time for a short #EconTwitter 🧵! Focusing here on papers that go beyond parsing out the daycare - employment relationship

Can cash transfers to increase girl’s enrolment in secondary schooling have long term effects on
their marriage, fertility & healthcare decisions, and the health of their children?
@_farahsaid and I answer this in my JMP, now forthcoming @WorldDevJournal (1/10)
Public goods

Job market guide! What complementary skills do you need on the market? How to prepare the Spiel? My Columbia PhD colleague @kerrysiani (now MIT Sloan) and I discuss these and other questions in our new jm guide. Share it with your colleagues/students!

Are you interested in ideology, morality, political psych, implicit and explicit measures, or individual differences? We are releasing a massive dataset (>280k sessions) with dozens of individual difference measures, implicit and explicit measures. 1/

📣📣 New data alert: we @devdatalab are releasing open village and town maps for all of India. Find them at the top link here:…
We wrote a post with some more details about the maps:…
@thesamasher @tobylunt