Best of #econtwitter - Week of October 2, 2022 [2/2]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part two of two.
Paper summaries
We collect data in Greenland, where, due to historical reasons, traditional and modern market economies coexist within villages➡️ We can study the relationship between market participation and moral behavior in a single cultural and political environment. (4/N)
First, market participation is positively associated with moral behavior towards anonymous others: market-integrated participants cheat anonymous others less on average. (6/N)
1/2: According to a new study (N=11k; 5 countries), left-right political ideology is to some degree a question of moral universalism:
"The extent to which people exhibit the same level of altruism and trust towards strangers as towards in-group members."…
Are autocracies better at delivering on growth promises? Not really—a new paper soon out in the JPE argues that the GDP stats are very extremely fake.
^“chart is from the Economist which has better graphics people than your average academic.”
Are markups (in manufacturing) rising?
Foster, Haltiwanger, and Tuttle argue no, once you all plant level heterogeneity in technology. Their estimates are in red.
I’ve tweeted before but happy to see the NBER draft out so the discussion can begin.
In an interview with @kairyssdal, Powell stated “What [the Fed] can control is demand, we can’t really affect supply with our policies” In a new paper I show that this is, to some extent, true:…
@TomZ_Econ and I just finished a review of “Publication Bias in Asset Pricing Research.” (…). Rather than list methods, @JohnHCochrane's reviews inspired us to focus on stylized facts. Here are 4 facts from meta-studies of hundreds of market anomalies 🧵
Beyond Cards by @BBVAResearch (Thread🧵)➡️1st Real-Time Consumption indicator to use "all" (not only cards) ➡️HD:1st Consumption Distribution accounts 👇 @glviolante @COdendahl @ChristianKWolf @ben_moll @MortenORavn @FlorinBilbiie @NunoGalo @_LukasFreund_
More: QE price impacts; low interest rate trilemma; TikTok supply curves; inflation; race/gender issues in entrepreneurship; ambiguity in strategic environments; de-prosecution
Interesting discussions
I do a lot of work on science of selection. I've also sat on a lot of selection panels (hiring, scholarships, grantmaking, contracting etc). Someone asked me for my "rules of thumb of selection". Here's a thread!
*** The original sin of QE (and QT)
QE policies, adopted by the most central banks in the last 15 years, suffered from a sin at birth. This came back to bite this Thursday in the UK.
Confusingly, there are three distinct policies that go under the name of QE.
🧵 [1/15]
You give a True/False exam with 100 questions and one student gets every single question wrong. What grade do you give?