Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of the Best of Econtwitter newsletter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
AI & science
^the tool is more like AlphaFold than ChatGPT. Some commentary here from a materials scientist that I cannot judge, but the insinuations — with zero evidence — of fraud or scientific malpractice are pretty disgusting
^these threads together — summarizing the paper of a second-year grad student — have 8+ million impressions. The internet :)
Idiosyncratic favorites
^“The best conclusion to take from this, I propose, is that water fluoridation really does have extremely minor effects that are generally ignorable at the levels realized in America.”
what’s the meaning of the 🤔 emoji? i interpret it as “i am skeptical of these findings but won’t say why”. if so, can you say more about what you don’t like about the oil and market power result? seems interesting to me