Best of #econtwitter - Week of May 31, 2020
Welcome to this week’s edition of the Best of Econtwitter. Recommendations always welcome over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
Paper summaries

Hi #EconTwitter. Over the last year I've been analyzing variation in racial disparities in police use of force. This thread summarizes my findings, but I'm hoping to hear your feedback and suggestions. Working paper link:…

STEM majors start out with a sizable wage premium, but this goes down over time since tech requires frequent upskilling.
My view—this is why Universities should sell subscriptions, so as to enable this continual and necessary lifetime upskilling

QJE @QJEHarvard

Was looking back the famous Alesina-Glaeser paper on America lacking welfare state due to racism. Was curious to see their discussion of Canada, without same slavery legacy. They say Canada has comp gov to W Europe. But now, Canada looks similar to US in spending

Summary of my dissertation--"Long-Run Determinants of U.S. Racial Inequality: Evidence from the Great Migration and the Fair Labor Standards Act"--published in the Journal of Economic History today. The full dissertation begins with these words of Baldwin.…

Conference/seminar announcements

Together with Motohiro Yogo, we're organizing this year's Workshop on the Financial Economics of Insurance for Ph.D. students on June 15-16, 2020 by Zoom. If you are interested in participating, you can find further details and register at:

Our CCBS workshop on Household Finance and Housing with @ImperialBiz @LSEEcon + @CFMUK on 17-19 June is taking place online. Keynote speakers are Amir Sufi and Ulrike Malmendier. Programme + registration details at:

💥💥💥Announcing the bi-weekly Online International Macro-Finance seminar (OIFM) starting on Monday June 8 💥💥💥 Sign up for the email list here:
@m_maggiori @rrichmond #EconTwitter [1/3]

I will be presenting the foundations of #NonTruthfulMechanismDesign as a tutorial with #VirtualEC2020. Hope to see many papers in this space for EC 2021!
Pre-recording is June 17-18. Watch party is July 13.

Public goods

For the corporate finance / accounting / corporate law community. I've become frustrated with re-inventing the wheel of downloading / merging / cleaning / creating the same variables from our public finance datasets. Putting my code up here.