Best of #econtwitter - Week of May 1, 2022 [3/3]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part three of three.
Paper summary threads

* All admissible decision rules, under a constraint on identification strength, turns out to be (Lipschitz) continuous in the GMM objective function
* The argmin is not continuous in the GMM objective function
* Hence GMM is not admissible □

How much value-added tax revenue is lost to non-compliance?
This paper estimates gaps, exploiting differences in VAT at international borders. Gaps are highest in countries with poor governance. Financial development and tougher administration help improve compliance.

.@josh_t_dean provides best causal evidence I know for cognitive impairment from noise:
• Worker productivity down in randomized noise experiment
• It's cognitive, not just effort
• Noise actually isn't salient to workers; their WTP is low…

Alon (they/them) @alon_levy

New paper argues that Zoom conversations might be worse for coming up with new ideas, but equally good for deciding b/t ideas.
Interestingly, they track eye movement w/ in-person vs Zoom meetings and find that gazing off abstractly into space was correlated with idea generation.

Delighted to share the first peer-reviewed article from my PhD research, where I estimate the effect of university on political values, just published in @ElectoralStdies.…
Quick🧵to tell you all about it!

Many people in our field are debating the recently-released results of READI Chicago, a well-known anti-violence program that provides cognitive behavioral therapy and subsidized employment to those at the highest risk for violence. For my take, read on.

Thoughtful post on READI Chicago findings & how they got reported in the press.
I'm one of the READI evaluators, and I don't agree with everything here. I see REALLY hard trade offs in how fast one should report results, and how to help policymakers weigh ambiguous results. BUT

Jacob Kaplan @JacobKaplanCrim
More: Issue Indivisibility as a Cause of Peace; Brexit and trade; humans actively sample evidence to support prior beliefs; MGNREGA
Public goods

🚨 Public good alert 🚨
I made a website covering all of the resources I used when I was applying to pre-docs + some additional advice from going through the process. Hope this can help people considering these jobs in the future!…
Interesting discussions

Academics often forget that titles are very precious space.
I keep seeing papers where it feels like the title is an afterthought, thus wasting a huge opportunity for communication with potential readers.
Making your title maximally informative is hard, but worth it.

The more generalizable version: Use notation that tells the reader what's a function of what.

Peter Hull @instrumenthull

You're invited to a job talk and have to give a mock lecture? A thread 👇of do's and don'ts based on three hiring committees I was part of in the last months.
Caveat: Business/economics at a small German university. Not sure how generally valid. 1/8