Best of #econtwitter - Week of March 14, 2021
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
Paper summary threads
📣Excited to share our paper is now *published* in @nature "Measuring human capital using global learning data" w/ Djankov @PennyG_Yale @hpatrinos…
We present learning data in 164 countries from 2000-2017 + explore key Qs in the human capital literature👇
🎉 Paper with @SVNieuwerburgh now forthcoming at JF.
We develop a new methodology for asset pricing on unlisted assets, and find private equity has less alpha than you may think.
And now for something different:
A paper on how to think about the optimal size of world population from the perspective of souls who go through multiple incarnations.
Sounds crazy, you say? Hear me out.
After 5 years of work, @AeppliClem and I finally have a working paper on our inequality project, using restricted-use BLS data. Originally, we wanted to see whether it's really occupation or really workplace that explains rising inequality. Turns out, it's neither. (1/10)
Why do countries finance themselves by issuing debt without indexation? Joint work with @francisco_roch fresh out of the oven.
IMF Working Paper:…
Francisco Roch @francisco_roch
Many of us are struck by polarization + distrust today. Lots of great angles to this being studied in econ + poli sci.
Chloe, Lucas, Max, & I ask a basic question:
Do people know to trust others when prefs are aligned + not to do so when they are not?
Excited to post a working paper with @omareconomics and @PeterBoettke on the Hayek Hypothesis (a favorite topic of mine!)
We show how recent theoretical work and field experiments shed new light on the hypothesis, often (but not always) supporting Hayek…
. @m_sendhil @supKaur @suannaoh @FrankSchilbach finds more evidence that poverty hurts job performance. Large effects (6% productivity ↗️!) just from paying wage more regularly in Odisha, India. #pacdev @BeckerFriedman…
ATTN faculty: How you perceive your relationship with your PhD advisees is often *not* how they perceive it.
AEA Journals @AEAjournals
NEW: paper w/ @MicaelCastanhe1 & @GGenicot ( accepted at JEEA. Quite timely for the debate about reforming the Electoral College. Ttime for a thread! 👉
I examine how consolidation in the Chinese tobacco industry affected cigarette price markups, input price markdowns, and TFP. This setting is interesting bc consolidation was the result of a policy that forced firms to exit based on size, which creates a natural experiment. 2/8
More: barriers to female entrepreneurship in India, US voting rights, more US voting rights, micromobility
Public goods
💻 Just updated the "Resources" page on my website! 💻
Need some toy data and/or R code examples? I gotchu.
Also included: links to online resources on finding data, data visualization, using R, and some random econ topics too
#EconTwitter #Rstats
Fwiw, I put slides of my honors undergraduate macroeconomics class online here:…. Similar level as @KurlatPablo's book, with pre-reqs in calculus and algebra and two courses in micro. Syllabus and key ideas below:
Hi #EconTwitter particularly macro-finance & int'l macro folks: Data for the global flight-to-safety (FTS) index series is now available on my website - daily and monthly frequency indices, 2000-2019:…. 1/n
Interesting discussions
A thread of remarkable research on the economics of international migration that I've discovered recently.
I'll add to this regularly in the days ahead, in no particular order. I'm summarizing frontier findings, not presenting unquestionable truths.
Pour a ☕ and join me—>
My two cents on the academic job market after going through it. 🧵
Usual caveats apply: my own personal experience, and it may be suffering from recency bias. Lots of people have written about it so I'll try not to be repetitive. #EconTwitter
@harry_toulouse @ash_craig This article convinced me that we should welcome PhD admits who are mean-preserving spreads of the usual file. Even in top programs, having all the ‘technical’ credentials is far from a sufficient condition for graduates to produce research.
^paper is based on data from graduates up through 2000 — needs an update, given the rise of coauthoring
I think it's really unfortunate that applied researchers feel paralyzed to use difference-in-differences method. It's by far the most useful tool in the applied toolkit.
And recent methodological developments do not change that fact.
Lindsey Bullinger @lindsbullinger