Best of #econtwitter - Week of March 21, 2021
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
Paper summary threads

Impressive graph from recent paper by Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Life expectancy in US is less and less a matter of "race", more and more of education. Radical change in just 25 years. Trend is accelerating as population without college education loses years of life expectancy.

1/ Considering the city as an object of analysis for economists is fairly recent: a thread on the history of US-born urban economics
Based on a paper w/ @rebours_anthony , but my rendition, omissions & exaggerations, with epistemological hand-wringing at the end

^more in history of thought this week: metrics

🚨 New Working Paper🚨
Me: I have a new working paper with my brilliant coauthors, Anne & Ulrik
You: It is Friday, I don't want to read a paper.🥱
Me: Do you want to watch a gif?🤔
You: Yeah😃
Me: ⬇️You go
Read it here:…

^paper summaries as GIFs: TFP just jumped

Meta-analysis of in-classroom testing effects showed more testing (quizzing) using matching, giving feedback, is good across all school levels, all types of learning, is stronger for post-class quizzing
In short, to maximize learning quiz in class often.…

OK, folks. Time for a short thread on a working paper Eddie Kim, @ProfMartyWest and I just released. It's called:
"Kumon In: The Recent, Rapid Rise of Private Tutoring Centers"
The title's cute, but the paper is serious!…

^more in education this week: RCT on feeding program

New paper with Xavier Vives: "Revisiting the Anticompetitive Effects of Common Ownership".
While intra-industry common ownership predicts higher prices, inter-industry predicts lower prices.
In airlines, overall effect of the Big Three is lower prices.

^useful discussion here

In this issue of Econometrica: "Long-Term Contracting with Time-Inconsistent Agents" with @xingtanzhang
We look at an old question: How do firms contract with present-biased consumers who underestimate their bias?
We give some new answers and a way to think about inefficiency.

Indian jobs have shifted from agriculture to services at a large pace. Does this mean the service sector drove Indian growth, or merely that Indian growth increased demand for services? Fan, Peters, and Zilibotti (2021) try to answer this (…) 1/

Very happy that @c_cantore & my paper
"Workers, capitalists, and the government: fiscal policy and income (re)distribution"
is forthcoming in the Journal of Monetary Economics 🥳
🔗… (open access 🙏 @Gates_Cambridge)
👇 Summary-🧵

^more macro theory this week: heterogeneity in household expectations; ZLB and heterogeneous agents

🚨 New Research!🚨
We used Chase & Credit Bureau data to estimate the distributional effects of various student debt cancellation scenarios. (w/ @FionaGreigDC
Key findings:
1. The policies we consider would cancel between 27% and 50% of federal debt.…

Public goods

In 2020 we began an initiative @JEEA_News asking authors to submit teaching materials for their accepted articles - these are open access.
As we now have quite a catalogue, we made the teaching materials page searchable by JEL code and issue number.

After years receiving advice and wisdom by many in the profession, I'm paying it forward by putting together a document with tips for academic research in Economics.
Hope it's useful. I'm curious to hear your reactions. 🧵
#EconTwitter #research

Interesting discussions

Tenure is designed to insulate scholars from risk. The risk of taking on a bold research project that just doesn't work out. The risk of saying something that is politically unpopular but true.
There's one type of risk it can't insulate you from: institutional financial risk.

Here are three simple steps to better understanding where your paycheck comes from.
1) Follow this link:…
and click "Look Up an Institution"

Gender disparities and monopsony in academic pay: men disproportionately seek/get outside offers, which are matched by retention bonuses, leading to gender pay gaps.
Court rules this is pay discrimination; since all professors are deemed to perform equal work.

Jennifer M. Gómez, Ph.D. @JenniferMGmez1

Why are so many great researchers also bad teachers? And why are Econ theory talks often incomprehensible? Growing expertise involves radically recalibrating your pre-formal intuitions, and it’s easy to forget what those intuitions were.

Ethan Mollick @emollick

A thought exercise for #EconTwitter. Which would be easier to explain to a 5-year old:
A) An OLS regression with two-way fixed effects
B) A comparison of means across groups
B) is worlds easier! All the recent probs w/staggered DID are bc we thought A) was doing B) and it's not

Honest Referee Report:
Let me first restate the abstract in different words to assuage any lingering doubts somebody might have that I didn't in fact read the paper.
The paper in fact fine. Like stuff like this gets published all the time. Worse than this in fact.
^thread (humor!)

And if you received an interview/flyout and you didn’t get the job, we can still be friends! Rejection does not imply that the committee disliked you.

Ryan Briggs @ryancbriggs