Best of #econtwitter - Week of June 27, 2021
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
Paper summary threads
Came back to this today, really like @eminakamura2 @JonSteinsson and Bouscasse paper “When Did Growth Begin”
1. Growth 1250-1600 was literally zero! Not slow, not just overtaken by population pressures, but zero.
2. There was a discontinuous shift post 1600!
📢 I’d like to share with #TradeTwitter a 🧵 on what @XJaravel and I have learned about the unequal effects of international trade through both cost-of-living and wages in the U.S.
For those of you who have seen my JMP, this is a much-revised draft…
3/N Figure 2 shows key result for Econometric Soc. Fellow (longest-running honor in econ). Pre 1980 we estimate very substantial discrimination against females, equivalent to 1.5 extra Econometrica. You can see share female among new fellows much below share for econs w/ pubs
^“A large negative gap from 1933-1979 period, evened & then became positive after 2010”
Clark finally published a normal working paper about Hungary, the same mood, usual persistence coefficients of 0.6-0.8, aristocrats are overrepresented, communism didn't do a lot to mobility:…
The overproduction of elites in... Ghana?
Fascinating RCT with 12 years followup finds that students massively overestimated the returns to completing high school.…
Economists, historians, and scientists in international newspapers, 1800-now
"economists rapidly gained attention in the middle of the 20th century, although this development was not [...] a feature specific to economists"… by @lino_wehrheim
Do gender biases matter for which group member is chosen to represent the group? In a new paper, accepted at Games and Economic Behavior (joint with Katie Coffman and Clio Flikkema) I show that the answer is YES.
For details, read on (1/7)
^see also: experiments on reducing prejudice
*New Working Paper!*
FLSA guarantees the federal minimum wage & overtime; NLRA guarantees the right to organize. But laws on paper are meaningless unless complied with.
Do firms have an incentive to comply with the FLSA and NLRA - based on the current penalty regime?
Peterson Institute @PIIE
More: employment for cash vs. cash alone; paternity leave; null result RCT on first gen college advising; SNAP spending patterns; survey of teachers across devo countries; Kumbh Mela and Hindu nationalist voting; Ecuador’s CBDC; employees’ social networks and firm outcomes
Public goods
#EconTwitter: @kekreaishwarya, @logwithbasee, @tchakravorty_, Vaibhav and I have written a Guide to Applying for PhD Programs in Econ (based on our personal experiences as international applicants). We hope you find this useful!… (1/n)
Really useful resource for grad students interested in labor market dynamics
Pascal Michaillat @pmichaillat
AWS has released something that looks VERY promising!
A guide to deploying Shiny server on their infrastructure. in a scalable way.
I haven't gone through it but it seems detailed. If anyone has gone through this and it works, let me know!
Interesting discussions
So now that I have Officially Survived First Year I want to share a few things that I learned the hard way this year in hopes that someone else will be able to learn them the not-so-hard way. 1/n
Some people like cute titles for econ papers, others hate them. Some prefer detailed, explanatory titles. But we all know the real power move is a 1-word title.
Showing my publishing youth here but... *How do you all decide which ec journals to submit your papers to?*
[perceived "fit" by topic/methods, prestige, familiarity with the journal, ease of submission?]
Any resources out there on best practices for this decision? #EconTwitter
Ok for those of you who have not been paying attention. There are 5 (actually 6) bills working their way through the House -- who knows what will happen in the Senate. Here is the quick summary. My take in brackets [] #EconTwitter
Sharon Traiberman @straiberman
Very nice resource for looking at differences across colleges & demographic groups in the rate at which students major in economics
At @UChicago, 2.3% of African American women major in economics, while 49.0% of Asian American men major in economics
Dr. Chloe N. East (she/her/hers) @ChloeEast2
Imagine a world in which you love econ + math and yay, you are admitted into grad school in a foreign country!
1st yr = Bootcamp + lots of exams / problems. You pass quals!
2nd yr onwards = Great, now learn to read, write, & present papers in fluid+compelling Mandarin.