Best of #econtwitter - Week of July 17, 2022 [2/3]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part two of three.
Paper summaries
✨NEW✨ My paper “The lasting consequences of childhood sexual abuse on human capital and economic well-being” is now published in #HealthEconomics…
Consequences of childhood sexual abuse on immediate trauma are well understood & associations with worse mental health status persist in adulthood.
Yet, resources allotted to identifying and implementing best practices for prevention & support do not reflect its pervasiveness.
The "missing Americans": early death in the United States
In a new pre-print, we quantify the number of deaths that would have been averted each year, 1933-2021, if the U.S. had mortality rates equal to the average of 18 peer nations.…
Thread. 1/15
New working paper from Elias Ilin, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and Melinda Pitts depicts marriage penalties by income quintile:…
1/ Short thread on an update of this paper. We've updated the methodology to one we think is much better.
Before, we used the BlackRock-BGI acquisition (1 event). Now we use entries of labor market competitors into the S&P 500 (192 events).…
José Azar @joseazar
Common ownership is particularly beneficial in land ownership given the prevalence of public goods and spatial spillovers internalized by the common owner.
One example here: more concentrated land ownership facilitates coordination for oil and gas drillers enabling investment.
Our paper on the “Hayek Hypothesis” and what field experiments and modern theory can teach us about it is now out at PLoS ONE.
It’s open source so do check it out👇
@omareconomics @PeterBoettke…
Here is the abstract to our new paper on using Local Projections to estimate Dif-in-Dif models, and links to:
1) The paper:…
2) The slides:…
In a 📣new working paper📣, we (me, @HelenHoPhD, and @sroblesc) use conditional random assignment to study a group of STEM summer programs targeted to underrepresented students that occur *before* college application
🚨New paper: Do Immigrants Move to Welfare? Subnational Evidence from Switzerland 🚨
w/: Jeremy Ferwerda and Dominik Hangartner…
#polisciresearch #econtwitter
Summary 🧵1/n
New paper, with Mark Jansen, Fabian Nagel, and Constantine Yannelis! It's on NBER working papers, here's the abstract and a link to the full paper! Here's a summary thread on what we do here...…