Best of #econtwitter - Week of July 24, 2022 [2/4]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part two of four.
Paper summaries

📢New Census Working Paper📢 "Diversity and Labor Market Outcomes in the Economics Profession" by @Lucia_Econ, @ErikaMcentarfer, and @dhsandler…

For initial placements, the first year post-PhD, we find placements into academia are falling and placements in government and tech firms are rising (3/18)

At initial placement, economists in government earn only 85% of the earnings of their counterparts in industry at the median. Academic economists earn only 77% of industry economists at the median (8/18)

^lots of interesting graphs

The figure below shows the main effect by plotting the level of alcohol consumption in the 2 years before and the 2 years after someone moves to a state with higher overall alcohol consumption. The environment matters a lot! It explains 2/3 of the variation across the US.

People of all incomes & backgrounds prefer immediate rewards over larger, delayed ones. 170-author, 61-country study in @NatureHumBehav shows econ. inequality, inflation, & instability disrupt financial many decisions. Multiple, major policy implications.…

Why are we not doing more to fight climate change? New study surveys 40k people in 20 countries to understand 1/ what drives support/opposition to important climate policies 2/ how much people know about climate change & 3/ how info can change perceptions…

Excited to release with @BorensteinS, which we could have titled “Everything we thought we knew about market mechanisms for dramatically reducing electricity sector greenhouse gas emissions is wrong”. Thread:

Brandeisian ideas are back in antitrust. But what can we learn from the historical events that created the original cartel backlash? A 🧵 about @jhuang_econ's great recent paper on the dynamic effects of collusion in the Chicago meatpacking industry. 1/…

Strong evidence of employer discrimination against veiled Muslim women in 🇳🇱:
🔹almost 70% of job applications that included a photograph such as the one on the left received a positive callback
🔹only 35% if a photograph was included such as the one on the right
🧵 1/

A new index to measure geographic partisan sorting shows that spatial cleavages have increased dramatically in the past 50 years in the US, particularly across counties.
Yet, the electorate continues to be more diverse within than across communities.

Who participated in Hong Kong's antiauthoritarian protests?
Participants in modest and massive protests are especially pro-social; economic preferences predict participation better than personality or class; preference falsification does not explain explosive protests.

Interesting discussions

I think this is a misrepresentation of the state of the evidence on deworming, and I think it's disappointing that it's getting so much play.

Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark

1) Go to Filters and Blocked Addresses in settings
2) Create a filter for emails from *@*.edu (this will grab all emails sent from .edu email addresses)
3) Click "Create filter" and then check "Never send it to Spam"
Still not perfect, but a whole lot better