Best of #econtwitter - Week of February 13, 2022 [2/3]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part two of three. Part one is here and part three is here.
Paper summary threads
From my JEP review: "In general, no systematic evidence exists to demonstrate that the prevalence of misperceptions today (while worrisome) is worse than in the past."…
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
^graphs from each paper in thread
Placebo effects can change objectively measured outcomes like ulcers and cholesterol.
Here is a summary of one chapter of my PhD, which I discussed on @DrBapuPod with @AnupamBJena below. A 🏮...
Freakonomics, M.D. @DrBapuPod
My job market paper just got accepted at the Journal of Financial Economics! Here's a link, and a thread on the paper
My paper with @KomisarowSarah on the effects of coal-fired power plant closures on school absences has been accepted by @JEEM_tweets! A short thread 1/6
It is free to read and download for 50 days:
^“absence rates declined by 6 percent in nearby schools after the power plants closed”
According to this paper using detailed records of every food purchased by thousands of families, your New Year's Resolution to eat healthy is just about over now. The serious backsliding will begin in the fall.…
My paper `Management, Productivity, and Technology Choices: Evidence from U.S. Mining Schools' got accepted at the RAND Journal of Economics.
Here's a summary:
🚨New working paper🚨 #EconTwitter
We’re happy to finally share “Government Procurement and Access to Credit: Firm Dynamics and Aggregate Implications” joint w/ J. di Giovanni, M. Garcia-Santana, @emoralbenito, and J. Pijoan-Mas. (WP here:…)
A 🧵… (1/N)
More: political representation quotas and insurgency; eBay ratings; police presence and crime
Interesting discussions
I know this is a joke but...this is increasingly a problem in econ journalism
Econ enthusiasts who are loudest on Twitter don't necessarily ≠ people who are experts in their fields; those who *are* respected scholars don't always want to bother with the cess pool that is Twitter
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
Enjoyed this speculative but engaging piece on the economics of the labor market for journalists.
Mike Makowsky @mikemakowsky
As part of the journal submission process, authors should be able to host AMAs with their anonymous referees.
Optional for referees, but provides an option to ask clarifying questions.
Academic economists - market designers in particular - played an outsized role in web2. We played a big role in developing ad auctions, which to this day drive a massive share of all web2 revenues
Compared to our role in web2, we seem to be essentially invisible within web3
^Alex Tabarrok comments; Vitalik Buterin comments
A common problem I hear from applicants to PhD programs is where to apply and where to attend. Most students have selected a program (e.g., econ) and have a reach and some safeties. Let me offer 2 tips.
The proliferation of exploding offers is throwing the academic market into chaos, and it is very sad for economists we cannot put together a better market structure.
This year more than last, it seems like universities are forcing job candidates to make this huge life decision in a matter of days. That seems bad for everyone. How can we prevent it?
^last week’s edition had a link to an extended Tyler Cowen take on this phenomenon