Best of #econtwitter - Week of February 20, 2022 [1/3]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part one of three. Part two is here and part three is here.
Paper summary threads

🚨New Working Paper!🚨
The rise of PE ownership leads to important tradeoffs for news. In joint work with @startupecon and Sabrina Howell, we highlight benefits:
- higher survival
- more digital circulation
and costs:
- less local news
- less employment
- lower civic engagement

NBER @nberpubs

This is a neat result in @JPubEcon (and I don't think Adam Dearing is on twitter). The paper asks the question: What does a single change in the tax rate allow us to learn about Supply & Demand in a multi-product oligopoly setting? 1/4

Journal of Public Economics @JPubEcon

When learning from observations, Bayesian updating is evolutionarily optimal. This is consistent with many non-human animal species’ foraging and reproductive decisions.
But human observational learning deviates from unbiased Bayesian updating in various ways.

Joe Henrich @JoHenrich

@stacylrosenbaum @susan_alberts @ArchieLab & I have a new preprint on a better way to model & test for adaptive developmental plasticity.
Of interest across fields (bio/med/econ/ecol & evol/psych) who test theories of evolutionary adaptation.

This study by @PippaN15 finds that the public's trust in the quality of government is correlated with government's trustworthiness - but only in "open societies".
"But no such relationship is observed in closed societies, where states [control the media]."

World Values Survey @WVS_Survey

Today, @profholden and I are releasing a new paper on smart contract front-running on the blockchain. It uses mechanism design to solve the problem.… 1/n

1/12 Interested in whether drug copay coupons – which reduce patients’ out-of-pocket burden but leave payers’ tab unchanged – affect U.S. drug spending? Check out my new working paper with Kate Ho & @edkong

1/ Inverse Selection, new paper with @MarkusEconomist and Carlos Segura-Rodriguez.
With the advent of Big Data, AI and Machine Learning, should we think about standard screening models, eg. used for insurance or credit markets, differently?…

Today, the paper by @orianabandiera @elsayed_iza @andrea_smurra @celine_zipfel analyzing young adults + labor markets in SSA, w/a wealth of fascinating detail + graphs. Focuses on emp of young adults 18-24, in 28 SSA countries and comparison group (40 LMICs in other regions)

People viscerally hate inflation while economic models associate small costs to it. @petercoy argues that people should therefore worry less about inflation. But maybe instead models should capture people's sentiments better.
Our model aims to do this:…

Peter Coy @petercoy

Civic engagement systematically declines when the Internet speed rises. Time-consuming activities oriented to the pursuit of collective welfare, suffer the most from broadband penetration, while relationships with family and friends are less affected.

Interesting discussions

Proud to announce a new set of @JPolEcon journals. I will be leading JPE-Micro, alongside a distinguished group of 6 Co-Editors. Check out our new website and send us your best work! More to come soon on our new policies/paper sets/etc.…

^“Our new journal, JPE-Micro, commits to take no longer than 45 days to decision”

Re: great news that @JPolEcon launches #JPEMicro and #JPEMacro, new journals with new excellent editorial teams. I very much hope there will be the Journal of Political Economy Political Economy journal as well.

I think you mean “JPE:Theory of Income” and “JPE:Price Theory,” no?

JPE @JPolEcon

Want to read an insane tenure denial story? I was denied tenure at MIT in 2018. I was the only Hispanic faculty at my department, had 13k+ citations, 2 books, & papers in Nature, Science, & PNAS. I was never given a reason & the only letter I got told me to check the website./1🧵