Best of #econtwitter - Week of February 13, 2022 [3/3]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part three of three. Part one is here and part two is here.
Interesting discussions

🧵1/ Some thoughts on the current state of applied microeconomics.
Causal inference has become the dominant paradigm for what many applied microeconomists focus upon and, I think, what many think applied microeconomics is (at least in labor, public, health, crime, education etc.
^tldr: more partial identification

Ok this is a fun one which may be useful for ~87% of you, if you've never heard of "the stacking trick"
It's relatively straightforward to get SEs on linear/nonlinear functions of the coefficients in a *single* OLS/2SLS regression. e.g. in @Stata you can use lincom or nlcom...

Peter Hull @instrumenthull

Suppose you want to measure the number of COVID deaths in 2021. So you count all deaths, and attribute them all to COVID. That would be dumb, but this is essentially what the Census Bureau did when they measured privacy loss for their reconstruction attack. 1/

OK! I have condensed the entire literature on the origins of patriarchy into 10 hypotheses.
I think this is everything from feminist anthropology, archaeology, history, economics and genetics??
Lmk if you think I’ve missed anything out! 😬

I do a lot of interdisciplinary work. Here are 4 hard lessons I've learned. They may help you be more successful (than me) if you want to work across fields.

Would love an @overleaf equivalent in markdown!

Nick HK @nickchk

@nickchk @danielrock @overleaf This is what @curvenote is! Designed for technical writing. Speaks latex and markdown.

What are good audio pdf readers? I loved audiobooks from very little on, and thought why not try it for papers. Any recs very welcome :)

A rite of initiation for young law profs is figuring out the optimal time to submit to law reviews. I had endless discussions of this as a junior. I wish I had this chart (from @scholasticahq) to help me schedule my submissions:

^law journals. If anyone has the same data for econ journals, please tweet it :)
^law faculty

In many professional service industries (consulting, finance, law, accounting — and academia): leaders tend to be promoted from within. As opposed to being generalist CEOs.
Why is that the case? Why not have a Business School Dean, for instance, who used to be a CEO?

Part of the secret curriculum that needs to be more widely publicized (esp. among new referees):
If you think that a paper passes the bar for a journal, your report shouldn’t go straight from summary to suggested revisions. First make the case the paper’s contribution!

scott cunningham @causalinf