Best of #econtwitter - Week of February 12, 2023: paper summaries
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
Paper summaries
But found a meaningfully large discontinuity right at the dollar mark. People psychologically fall for $1.99 being qualitatively different than $2.00 but don't see a difference between $1.98 and $1.99.
^left digit bias; comparison to lit
New cases of child ADHD diagnosis *fell* due to COVID-19 pandemic factors (school closures & other societal disruptions) by 8.6% among boys and 11.0% among girls nationwide through Feb '21.
~with @seth_freedman,@dariojsalcedo, @KosaliSimon, @coady_wing.
Can geography explain agricultural productivity differences across countries?
In today's column, Tasso Adamopoulos and @DiegoRestuccia conclude that land quality and geography cannot justify the observed agricultural productivity gaps. Here are the key takeaways 🧵 1/10
3/ All-male teams communicate more than mixed and all-female teams and outperform teams of both alternative compositions. In mixed teams, men strongly dominate the team conversation (men utter 70% more words than women).
🚨 New WP!
"Rooting for the same team: on the interplay between Political and Social Identities in the Formation of Social Ties"
With @Nicolas_Ajz and @bruno_ferman
Using a combination of New Keynesian theory and estimated SVAR models, we find that a more aggressive response of monetary policy against inflation can explain the reduced sensitivity of inflation to real economic activity until 2020. 2/N
examines publications originating from Chinese research institutions in the field of Chemistry. They show that Chinese authored articles receive only half the citations from the US compared to articles from other countries. They further show that
🚨New Publication🚨
Joint work with Sandra Orozco & @econ_garcia, entitled
"Unraveling the Hispanic Health Paradox" in the Journal of Economic Perspective.
You find free access to the paper here…
Let me start of a thread of what we do
Thank you, @vox_dev and @timsvengali, for having me. See the latest episode featuring Grandmothers and the Gender Gap in the Mexican Labor market:…
Just published at JDE:…
Evidence that digital advertising has larger effects for higher rated and independent restaurants, from Weijia Dai, Hyunjin Kim, and @mike_luca
More papers
The trade elasticity is one of the most important parameters in international trade and macro, but estimates of these parameters vary substantially. We develop a dynamic gravity-based framework to estimate trade elasticities in an internally consistent fashion for (2/6)
I am very happy that the paper "The value of managers' export experience: lessons from the Angolan civil war" has found its home at the @restatjournal!! #EconTwitter
What it is about? A short 🧵 follows
The Review of Economics and Statistics (REStat) @restatjournal
More evidence that skill-task mismatch matters for productivity: Diethorn & Marsche's new @nberpubs WP:
"Task Mismatch and Salary Penalties: Evidence from the Biomedical PhD Labor Market"
🧵What have economists learned from the #GDPR?
I review the literature for a future NBER book on the "Economics of #Privacy" edited by @ce_tucker & @avicgoldfarb. 1/7…
Our new paper 'Socioeconomic position at the age of 30 and the later risk of a mental disorder: a nationwide population-based register study' is now available online:…
@KimmoSuokas @kaislii @pbockerman @LummeSonja
Short summary of the results:
Neat analysis of the innovation cycle in drug development: you need a mature knowledge base before turning research into products...and in median terms it takes 36 years to create this knowledge base for a single drug approval!…
Over time, drugs targeting the Medicare Part D market have seen larger differences between net and list prices than other drugs. This is consistent with concerns some have had about the program's design.
New paper with @jlevy2 in @HSR_HRET
Almost a new paper: We show algorithmic placement substantially ⬆ placement into college courses w/o ⬇ pass rates; ⬇ need for remediation➡️saving students $; test scores discriminate➡️disparate impact, algorithms less so; selective labels hurts prediction in English, not math.