Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Please submit suggestions — very much including your own work! — over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
Idiosyncratic favorites
^@otis_reid: “New NIH supplemental question: do you base-jump and/or free solo mountains?”. This is self-assessed riskiness of research, I wonder how accurate such beliefs are (though you might think if anything bias goes opposite of subfigure c)
Paper summaries
^related: “Who bears the costs of inflation?”
Re the NBER newsletter thing - they had randomized the paper order in the newsletter, a couple years ago, after a paper came out claiming that papers at the top of the newsletter were cited more often.
It's similar for Best of Econtwitter by the way. The volume feels much like it's #All of Econtwitter! I often end up reading the top links and then scrolling through the remainder in a blur because I'm out of time. I recognize that trimming and sorting by importance would be a lot more cognitive effort, though.