Best of #econtwitter - Week of August 1, 2021 [1/2]
Welcome readers old and new to this week’s edition of Best of Econtwitter. Thanks to those sharing suggestions, over email or on Twitter @just_economics.
This is part one of two, this week — part two is here.
Paper summary threads

Really neat new paper in latest issue of JEP by @maxkasy (with killer graphs).…
(Also looking forward to the other companion papers from the same symposium by @tedmiguel and Guido Imbens). Here's a "what I learned" 🧵

Maximilian Kasy @maxkasy

Paper provides accessible, useful overview of types of publication selection that can arise and their consequences. Awesome graph #1: publication probability under selection on significance on the left (perhaps familiar)

Awesome graph #2: if there is selection, we can detect it in bunching of p-values (perhaps relatively familiar – on the left) but also in observing patterns of replication.

Our paper (with Mark Egan and Hanbin Yang), “Recovering Investor Expectations from Demand for Index Funds,” is accepted at @RevEconStud. We use an IO-style demand estimation approach to recover beliefs about the performance of the stock market and other assets. An overview:

We built a new study to measure systemic, nationwide patterns of discrim WITHIN firms.
How? We basically ran separate studies at 100+ Fortune 500 firms, sampling entry-level jobs from across the country. We sent more than 80k apps all, making this the biggest audit study ever.
^coauthor Christopher Walters with another thread; Peter Hull comments

Very excited to present my work on air pollution & small firms in urban Uganda (joint w @bassi_vittorio @mattkahn1966, N. Lozano Gracia & @PorzioTommaso) at #NBERSI Urban Econ tomorrow (!
A preview ⬇️ 1/

We document the association between parental income and the share of children that obtain an A-level degree (Abitur) with Mikrozensus data. We find that a 10 percentile increase in the parental income rank is associated with a 5.2 percentage point increase in the A-Level share.

^coauthor Sebastian Findeisen’s thread

𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗨𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲. Optimal Income Taxation with Spillovers from Employer Learning
(1/N) How should we adjust the tax system if firms have to learn about worker productivity from imperfect info (like statistical discrimination models)? #EconTwitter…

🚨New paper alert🚨
Partisan Fertility and Presidential Elections
By Gordon Dahl, Runjing Lu (@RunjingLu), Will Mullins
Ungated version…
The surprise 2016 election of Trump led to partisan changes in fertility

🚨New working paper🚨w/ @ArkhangelskyD, Guido Imbens, and @xiaoman_luo. We propose the RIPW estimator that makes TWFE regression robust to treatment effect heterogeneity under general designs (incl. staggered adoption)
I’ll walk through some details. 1/n

Dmitry Arkhangelsky @ArkhangelskyD
^coauthor Dmitry Arkhangelsky’s thread

A puzzle about bargaining: People tend to make offers that split the difference 50-50 between the last two offers. 🤔
But the last two offers are endogenous! Splitting the last two offers may not split actual, or expected surplus. What's going on? 🧵

A passion project
🚨School-based Mentoring Relationships & Human Capital Formation🚨
A new lens for understanding the returns to education
Schools as incubators of natural mentoring relationships btwn students & their teachers, counselors & coaches

*New Working Paper*
Heat, Crime, & Punishment (w/@abehrer)
Key points:
1⃣Heat increases violent crime (but not non-violent crime) due to psychological aggravation
2⃣What can help? Newer buildings (w/AC), higher incomes, less access to guns…
Public goods

I'm excited to announce the next phase in the life of!
This fall, professors everywhere can again open their classes to students from low- and middle-income countries.
What's new: Students, you can now receive letters of participation *AND GRADES*!

This is a new handle for all RA opportunities in macroeconomics. This helps students interested in gaining macro research experience wade through the numerous tweets about RA opportunities. #economics #macroeconomics @econ_ra
^related-ish: intermediate macro teaching materials
Interesting discussions

I'm going to attempt the first (?) Twitch livestream commentary of an NBER session — what looks to be an interesting paper by Santosh Anagol, Fernando Ferreira, Jonah Rexer on Zoning Reform; tomorrow 7/29 at 11:45am ET.

^innovation. Recording still up

This is interesting, out today from @NSF: a first-of-its-kind survey of business innovation in the U.S. #innovation

Fascinating thread by @arindube: Lester's (1946) range of indeterminacy is back! A lot of wisdom in the institutionalist tradition by researchers like Dunlop, Lester, Lewis or Slichter. One way forward: integrate more ethnographic work in labor!…

Arindrajit Dube @arindube