Best of #econtwitter - JMPs 2022 special edition, part five
If your thread (or your student’s, or your colleague’s) is missing below, submissions are as always extremely welcome.
Previously: 2022 JMPs part one, part two, part three, part four. Editions from prior years are here.
As written last year: Plausibly these JMP editions have the highest densities of good content of all the newsletters. These are presented in even less of a sense of any order than usual.
Job market papers

It's my #JMP thread Time!🚨
I am excited to share my job market paper:
"Displacing Congestion: Evidence from Paris" #EconTwitter #Econjobmarket
I use a DiD and a theoretical model to answer the following question:
What happens when we downsize the road network in a city?

1/ Hi #EconTwitter! It’s time for me to tell you about my JMP: “Adversarial Method of Moments”, which can be found in my website ( together with other content.

Does social media content affect real-world violence?
In my #JMP, I show local aggressive tweets increase geographically distant but online connected regions crimes. I build a three-step causal chain. [1/6]…

Second, surrounding areas see 30% more offensive and racist tweets on air pollution spike days.
I collect tweets within 20km of plants and construct ML classifiers to flag aggressive content. [3/6]

The third step moves to counties 150km away or farther. Remote and connected areas observe more offensive and racist tweets due to online emotional contagion. More importantly, these areas also see more crimes. [4/6]


People have been telling me to about @romangrivera1's job market paper for many months now, so I'm very excited to see it online. Really helpful new evidence on the causal effects of electronic monitoring in the US.…

🚨JMP Alert🚨
👉Over 500,000 Americans suffered an opioid-related overdose since 1999
👉4 of the last 5 drug epidemics started with a legally-produced drug
❓When you crack down on a single rogue doctor, what happens to drug supply, prices & mortality? A 🧵(1/6)

🚨Time for a JMP thread 🚨 #EconTwitter
Even prior to Covid, there's been a large contraction in the nursing home industry over the past two decades, driven in part by low Medicaid rates. I ask what these closures mean for incumbent residents, and what we should do about them

Do private equity acquisitions of multispecialty physician practices change strategic referral behavior?
In my #JMP, I show:
1⃣ PE increases self-referrals by 7%
2⃣ Mechanism: Managerial changes to referral incentives
3⃣ No evidence of cream skimming or lower quality of care

Many risky decisions have the potential to create positive externalities for society - e.g. innovation.
Do these externalities affect how we distribute income? Do we reward risk-taking if it can benefit society?
In my job market paper, I try to answer these questions:🧵1/8

Thanks @dmckenzie001!
Read the blog if you want to know how marketplaces shape their surroundings & how they can be leveraged for rural dev!
If instead you’re curious why this paper would not have seen the light of day without a treasure hunt to Tasmania, see 🧵 below. 1/9

David McKenzie @dmckenzie001